Lübeck / Kirche Johann Hinrich Wichern
Lübeck / Kirche Johann Hinrich Wichern
Lübeck / Kirche Johann Hinrich Wichern
Kirche Johann Hinrich Wichern

The Johann Hinrich Wichern Church is located in Lübeck-Moisling. It was consecrated on October 23, 1966. According to plans of the Lübeck architect's office Horenburg, the church was built as a strictly geometrical building with a flat roof over a square ground plan in concrete. The basis of the architectural structure of the church is the sacred number seven, as the outer walls consist of seven horizontal and twice seven vertical rows of windows. In addition, the altar is centrally located in the middle of the church, surrounded by three times seven pews. The acoustics are of special quality due to the design of the church ceiling (7 by 7 large concrete honeycombs) and attract many musicians to concerts and events.


Andersenring 29
23560 Lübeck

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